Building a Culture that Empowers

When starting and building a business, one of the most important components is your competitive advantage. And with that unique competitive advantage, you are able to build a great culture.

You culture should be a reflection of your combined personal and business brands. To start building your culture, envision your workplace.

What spells success for your company? Is it an open floor plan or cubicles? What colors are the walls? How is the space lit? What are the attitudes of your employees as they walk in the door on a Monday morning?

Also, consider the following questions and more.
•How do you define culture? Words, symbols, images? Get specific.
•What’s your dress code?
•Will you offer flexible hours?
•Will you have holiday parties?
•Are employees free to work from home or the local coffee shop?

These are just a few jumping off points for building a culture. You are a unique individual with specialized talents. Be sure your culture truly represents you and your business.

Everyone has a story. What's yours?

In my book I talk about telling your story and I have gotten various questions regarding this topic. Most asking “why tell your story?” And to that I respond…

Because it’s unique! It’s yours and you own it. The important part of defining your personal brand is to understand how to bring it to life as a competitive advantage. Without that, you’re just another entrepreneur. With your story, you are fully formed.

Within your story you find perspective. I tell people to look in their rear-view mirror. Why? Because that’s where you’ll find perspective. That’s where you’ll find answers. Define your personal brand. Make it real. Then, put the real you in your business.

What is your story? I’d love to hear and be inspired.

Your Business, Your Brand, Your Culture

If you happen to be in Columbus, Ohio, on Oct. 9, I'll be presenting "Putting the Real You in Your Business" at the National Association of Women Business Owners luncheon.

I'll be sharing insights on:
• Establishing a successful brand for yourself

• Putting yourself at the center of your business
• Giving your company a competitive advantage
• Building a great company culture
• Creating lifetime relationships with your clients

The meeting will be held from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Smith and Wollensky at Easton Town Center.
For more information and to RSVP, visit NAWBO Columbus. I hope to see you there!