Tips for young professionals entering the work force

As summer approaches and graduating caps and tassels begin to fly, many young professionals are entering the workforce. So to all you young professionals, congrats! You have made it. You should be very proud of yourself and your accomplishments.

Now that you are in the workforce, there are multiple ways to start rising to the top.

  • Start building your personal brand. Your skill set, attitude and social aptitude make up your product—you. After all, you had to “sell” yourself to get this job. Now it’s time to think about how you’ll get to the next level.

So, here are a few things to consider as you move forward.

  • Identify the top five things you want your superior to say about you in a reference letter. Then, strive to be those things.
  • Be personable and connect with others. Email is obviously an efficient way to communicate, but if you show up in person from time to time, you have a great opportunity to build on the relationship.
  • Volunteer. If there’s a project that’s up for grabs, take it and use it as an example of what you can do when given the opportunity.

As you jump into the pool head first, I know times are scary but you will succeed. You have to believe and know that you will succeed. Good luck and have fun!

Now is not the time to hide!

Ok, so it's winter. And the economy is well, bleaker than the next storm headed our way. Your first instinct these days may be to just give up. Whether it's your dream of starting a business, or changing the course of your career, it can be a daunting time. And it's especially so if you allow negative self-talk to stand in your way.

BUT, if you don't have faith in your personal brand, how can anyone else? Seriously.

So now is not the time to hide - it's time to shine. If you're out there in the world, in your power, there is no stopping you. Especially now. People are drawn to authentic, unique, visible and passionate people. It's the 101 of marketing and personal branding. Read about Karin Crawford and how she builds her flower business through the power of connecting. As Karin says, a lot of business owners think they don't have time to leave their businesses and head out into the world; she knows her business wouldn't have grown without it.

So, get out of your own way and get out there. Go to that networking event, even if it's snowing or pouring down rain. Go talk to the people in the office you never talk to and leave them all with a smile.

Do it today. And, keep moving!

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The power of female friendship can change the world.

What are you doing to connect with other women? Do you network with other women business owners or with women in the same or similar line of work? Have you considered joining a woman’s organization that would add meaning to your life—and to the lives of others? Here’s the message: Don’t isolate yourself. Reach out in a real and meaningful way, and not only will you be blessed, but you will touch the hearts of others. Begin by doing your homework. This will help you find the organizations and relationships that best suit your needs.

Debba Haupert, founder of, knows firsthand that the power of female friendship can change the world. She lives it daily through her business, an online community for women based on female friendship. The site, which is designed to inspire women through semi-weekly podcast interviews with amazing women, also features shopping, reviews, blogs and more. Debba points out that men and children look to women for tending, as do other women. That said, if we take care of women, we take care of everyone. And that in turn makes the world a better place.

Check out Debba’s full profile on the RYI site, and start connecting and sharing with other women today!