Add excitement and laughter to your business

The thought that all businesses must be strict, ridged, dull and lifeless is not outdated. Business owners should not be afraid to fill their business with laughter and fun. Consumers and employees are looking for an enjoyable experience. Adding life and personality to your business welcomes consumers and keeps them coming back for more.

I always say go for the laughter. As adults, we often let the laughter escape from our lives—and that’s a huge mistake. Much has been written about the health benefits of laughter. From relieving stress to boosting the immune system, it’s a one-way ticket to promoting good health.

In a work environment, having a little fun promotes camaraderie, and that’s critical for building an effective team. This is one time when it’s a good idea to take a cue from the kids in your life. They haven’t forgotten what it’s like to laugh, play and have a good time. My advice to you—and your colleagues—is to loosen up, laugh and play a little, too.

How do you add excitement into your business and work day?