Real You: Book Parties!

     Don't you just love a party? I do. And I have had a blast this past month at launch parties for HERE, HOME, HOPE at friends' homes and at amazing small businesses across the country. If you're interested in hosting a party - and having me there - please let me know! We have a Book Party Kit and more to help make your event a fun, memorable summer soiree! Please contact me - kaira AT for more information or send me a message on Facebook or Twitter.      Coming up this month are stops in Dallas (June 8 and 9), Los Angeles (June 10-13), Scottsdale (June 14 and 15) - followed closely by Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Orlando, and then a huge swing through the Northeast: Portland, Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket and more. I would love to join you, your friends, your book club and more for a party. I'll also be making appearances at book stores across the country all summer and I'd love to see you there. Book tour here.   

I wrote about how much fun the parties have been, and how it's been a great excuse to reconnect with friends for Girlfriendology, and my friend Debba Haupert. See you in Cincinnati, Debba!!