Never Fear Failure

Don't be intimidated in tough situations. People can detect fear in your words and actions, so take a deep breath and dismiss your fear of failure. Easier said than done? Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Take a step back and think of this moment over the course of your lifetime. As your perspective widens, your situation will appear less significant in the grand scheme of things. It also helps to have a strong support system—a group that will cheer you on regardless of your successes and failures.

Anne Murray-Randolph was a fine arts grad selling Xerox machines for a living. When confronted with a corporate big-wig, Anne was asked to give her 45-minute presentation pitch on copiers in only 20 minutes. Realizing that it would be nearly impossible to cover all of her presentation material in half the amount of time, Anne took a deep breath and a different approach to her pitch. Embodying humor instead of a fear of failure, Anne flew through the presentation with wit and spunk. Anne knew as soon as her 20 minutes were up that this prospective corporate client wasn't interested in the copier. Instead, he told her that he was impressed with her and wondered if she would come work for him. Anne Murray-Randolph went on to work in prominent positions for American Can, General Foods, Frito-Lay, Hunt Wesson and RevoPower. She is currently the editor of Lives of Real Estate (LORE) magazine.

Have you ever overcome your fear of failure in a tough situation? We want to hear about it. Share your thoughts on the RYI blog!