Real You: Are you marching forward on your purpose and vision?

RoadIf you are, you are stepping into your power. You are shining bright, sharing your vision with others and moving forward. You know who you are—The Real You—and you know where you are going. Your passions are defined (step 2 of the Real You process), and your personal brand is fully formed. You truly have found it within. When you are following your purpose in life—and applying that purpose and passion to your business—your competitive advantage crystallizes. You are able to use your fully formed Real You competitive advantage to delight your customers. And when you’re in business, that’s the end game. Truly.

Whether you are a full-time entrepreneur, considering becoming one, or somewhere in between, your personal brand and your business brand are unstoppable as long as they are aligned with purpose and vision.

Remember the strength found in conviction, in confidence. Remember, you aren’t alone. You are the only one who can define your dream and go for it. So, as the summer begins to wind down, the only question that remains is: Why aren’t you moving forward?

“People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Find clarity about what it is you are seeking, and go after it.

If you don’t have a clear picture about what you want, you will never get it. Clarity of vision is so important. But to do it right takes time and effort. Begin by choosing three words to describe your business, even if that business is not yet off the ground. Then put your operating principles in writing. This will likely be the precursor to your company vision or mission statement, so take the time to get it right. Next, list some additional adjectives that you want to associate with your vision. Play around with it; be creative. This is the fun part. Remember, the clearer the picture, the easier it will be to transform your vision into reality.

This tip comes from Elizabeth Lessner, owner of Betty’s Family of Restaurants in Columbus, Ohio, which includes Betty’s Fine Food and Spirits, The Surly Girl Saloon, Tip Top Kitchen and Cocktails and Dirty Frank’s Hot Dogs (coming soon). Even before she opened her first restaurant, Elizabeth was trying to find a niche. She wanted to create an environment where women could go—a place to hang out and feel comfortable, free of hassles and full of fun! “It seemed like I could do it,” she recalls about her initial vision. So, she decided to take a chance. Sure, there were skeptics in her life, people who doubted her ability to make it happen—especially at such a young age. And frankly, without that clear picture, it could have flopped. But Elizabeth had clarity, and she went after it—and that made a huge difference in the outcome.

You, too, can follow a dream—a similar dream of owning your own business, perhaps. In the meantime, learn more by reading Elizabeth Lessner’s profile at