Help Save Ohio Libraries

As a book lover and author, this news of library funding cuts breaks my heart, but we can all do our part to save Ohio libraries! What’s happening: On June 19, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland proposed a budget cut that would reduce state funding for public libraries by $227.3 million in 2010 and 2011 fiscal years. This reduction would cut Ohio’s public libraries funding 30 percent in addition to the 20 percent cut due to the decline of the state’s General Revenue Fund. A total 50 percent cut in funding.

What it means: As a result, branches may close, hours of operation will be reduced, new book and material orders will be halted and other vital summer reading programs and services would end. With the economic hardships that thousands of Ohioans are facing, trips to the library have provided some relief for families, and I can’t imagine what some families would do without those opportunities.

How you can help: • Call or email Ohio legislators. For phone numbers and emails, click here. To email all legislators and senators at once, click here.

• Join the Facebook group, and update your Facebook and Twitter status with:

“I contacted my elected officials to help save Ohio libraries, and you should too. Find out more at”

The Ohio Library Council site has provided the image below for you to save and upload as your profile picture on social media sites.


• Spread the word! Let friends know what is going on, how you have helped and how they can, too.

For more information, visit The General Assembly Conference Committee is likely to make a decision this week, so act fast!

Tweeps & Business Pages vs. Networking Parties & Business Cards

Are you feeling the pressures of networking through social media but don’t really know what that means, let alone how to do it? If so, you are not alone. Just be honest about it.

I love it when people are honest. It’s great to be able to admit both your strengths—and your weaknesses! And learning to incorporate social media into your business’ marketing plan in the New Year is a great step. If you entered the business world before the Internet, you know and feel the dramatic changes that are occurring almost daily. Every industry is facing these changes and the challenges and opportunities that technology brings.

The key to social networking is to apply it to your business in a genuine fashion. Women are natural social networkers. We always have been. We build and maintain communities across the country through volunteerism. I don’t know about you, but when I look at my kids’ schools, the volunteer ranks are full of women. Still. That’s social networking in the real world.

It’s no different online. What I recommend is to start networking online on a business-specific, direct connection site like LinkedIn. I like LinkedIn because everyone on it is there to make business connections. So start there. And then, invite your contacts to join you. I believe this is the future of networking and the future of powering your business. You and your computer and an Internet connection are unstoppable. So don’t be afraid. Start small. But think big.

If you want to take it a step further and join Twitter, check out for another post about marketing your business on Twitter and feel free to follow me!

Don't Forget to Dream

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.

Begin by asking yourself this question: If you could be anyone else for a day, who would it be? What is your dream? Start defining it. What are you passionate about? What business activities feel most like fun and least like work? Of course, this requires some soul-searching. Take it to the next level. Write down the names of three people you admire. It doesn’t matter if they are family members, friends or business acquaintances. Then, determine what characteristics you admire in each of them. The attributes you list should be closely aligned with the heart of your passions! When you define your passions and dreams, you begin the planning process, and that in turn opens the door to exciting possibilities.

This tip, from Gloria Steinem, is definitely one to live by. Anytime you create and build a business, you dream—or plan. It’s part of the natural course of events. And leaps of imagination are necessary for making it happen. There are, after all, endless possibilities, and it’s up to you to steer them in the direction that fulfills your dreams. I spend a great deal of time talking with women entrepreneurs around the country, and I am able to witness firsthand the incredible success they are experiencing. As you know, women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men. Why? The reason is in part because they can, but also because they are dreaming and planning. It’s the excitement of the possibility. And today, more than ever, they know that it’s possible for a woman to own and operate her own business. Thanks to women like Gloria Steinem who forged the way for women like me—and you.

What about you? Are you dreaming and planning? Is your imagination working overtime? Get your mind in gear by reading about other women entrepreneurs and sharing your success story at

What's in a name?

Let me say this: Naming your company matters. It’s part of your real brand; it’s your essence. What you need to do is begin with your company story. Write it down; record it. From the first twinkle of an idea to the people that have played a significant role, get it on paper. This is important because you’ll want employees to know about and understand your brand. They need to know the real story.

After you’ve got that down, coming up with a name for the company should be easier. You’ll want it to define your real brand—the genuine, truthful, authentic you that your company is all about. Remember those dreams? Sure you do! Let them unfold—in your company name.

To share your success story and company name leave us a comment, or check out for some inspiration from other female entrepreneurs.

Remember Mom's Rule?

It’s better to give than to receive. At least to give first. Then receive. It’s the way to build real relationships, deeper relationships, but some of us have forgotten that principle during the boom years. It’s probably time for a reminder.

Consumers are unsure, and in many cases, just plain scared. What are you doing as a business to give back to your customers? To read more about reaching your customers, check out my eBrandMarketing post. I’d love to hear what you’re doing, leave a comment!

Subscribe to great magazines that energize you with new ideas.

Begin by visiting your local newsstand or bookstore and browsing through the periodicals. Make some choices about the magazines that relate most closely to you and the life you are living. Then, jot down the titles and subscribe to the ones that speak to you most. But don’t stop there. Get online and find out what’s happening in business, fashion, home living, parenting and more. Try sites like and With a computer at your fingertips, nothing can stop you from accessing great articles and features that will inspire you and help you grow.

There are several magazines—both print and online—that appeal to me. That’s why I make every effort to subscribe to those publications that speak to my heart. Some are business related, while others address family and the personal side of my life. Often, a good read is all I need to get inspired. Pink magazine is a personal favorite of mine, with its tagline--a beautiful career; a beautiful life. It emphasizes the fact that my personal life and my business life are not separate; in fact, they are intertwined. And that’s how I keep it real—by refusing to differentiate the two. Instead, I focus on my passions and my goals, putting first the things that matter most.

There’s no shortage of inspiration at the Real You Web site. In addition to the many great magazines and Web sites you’ll find online and at the newsstand, you’ll be inspired by our stories of women entrepreneurs who are putting the real you in their lives!

Dear Advertisers. It's me, Female Consumer.

Every month I’m excited to read my favorite magazine. I open the glossy cover with its witty teasers to find: full-color, beautiful woman, product, no substance (flip). Repeat. Repeat. Great content (finally!). Flawless woman, product (flip). It’s a vicious cycle. I quickly move past the ads to get to the good stuff.

It’s disappointing to say the least. Here you are with your great brand, prime real estate in a highly-circulated magazine, an over-paid advertising agency on retainer and a full page ad that says … nothing. Hello? Anyone listening out there? What happened to the emotionally captivating messages that accompanied the great imagery?

To read more about emotional branding and which companies are doing it right, check out my eBrandMarketing post and tell me about some ads that speak to you!

Find clarity about what it is you are seeking, and go after it.

If you don’t have a clear picture about what you want, you will never get it. Clarity of vision is so important. But to do it right takes time and effort. Begin by choosing three words to describe your business, even if that business is not yet off the ground. Then put your operating principles in writing. This will likely be the precursor to your company vision or mission statement, so take the time to get it right. Next, list some additional adjectives that you want to associate with your vision. Play around with it; be creative. This is the fun part. Remember, the clearer the picture, the easier it will be to transform your vision into reality.

This tip comes from Elizabeth Lessner, owner of Betty’s Family of Restaurants in Columbus, Ohio, which includes Betty’s Fine Food and Spirits, The Surly Girl Saloon, Tip Top Kitchen and Cocktails and Dirty Frank’s Hot Dogs (coming soon). Even before she opened her first restaurant, Elizabeth was trying to find a niche. She wanted to create an environment where women could go—a place to hang out and feel comfortable, free of hassles and full of fun! “It seemed like I could do it,” she recalls about her initial vision. So, she decided to take a chance. Sure, there were skeptics in her life, people who doubted her ability to make it happen—especially at such a young age. And frankly, without that clear picture, it could have flopped. But Elizabeth had clarity, and she went after it—and that made a huge difference in the outcome.

You, too, can follow a dream—a similar dream of owning your own business, perhaps. In the meantime, learn more by reading Elizabeth Lessner’s profile at

Business partner or best friend? Why not both?

Are you thinking about going into business with a friend? If so, begin by recognizing the fact that there could be a strain on the relationship. Then, take the necessary steps to prevent any upsets, like defining, up front, individual responsibilities. Be clear that someone needs to be in charge. Remember, this business is your dream.

Having said all that, a friend and partner can be a tremendous asset, especially if that person has talents and skills that contribute to your vision for the company. And that’s the key. Without that in place, both your friendship and your business could be headed for disaster.

So, bottom line, establish the rules before you get started. Then, together, reach for your goals!

By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

A woman starts a business in the U.S. every 60 seconds. And, American women are the largest economy on earth. Put those two stats together with the possibilities of the Internet - and you’ve got a revolution to be reckoned with.

To read more about the power of women online, check out my eBrandMarketing post and let me know what you think!

Make your office of reflection of the Real You

MAKE IT HAPPEN: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2007 the average American worked 42.9 hours a week. Over the course of a year, this added up to approximately 2,230 hours, which is about 13.3 weeks straight. If you’re spending this much time in your office, create a space that reflects the real you by addressing the needs of your five senses.

TIP IN ACTION: Start with color. Choose colors that exhibit your personality. For example, those who consider themselves to be imaginative, idealistic, a visionary and somewhat eccentric at times may be drawn to the color blue. You may also want to surround yourself with visual reminders of your hobbies and passions. My walls are blue, and I have sea glass on my desk to remind me of the ocean (I’m landlocked in Ohio). I also have tons of pictures and mementos from my kids.

Next, stimulate your sense of smell with a favorite scented candle—lavender, sandalwood and vanilla are great stress-relieving scents. When it comes to taste, keep a container of mints, chocolates or hard candy in your office. I have giant red lollipops around.

Whether you like Beethoven or the Beach Boys, choose some tunes that reflect your taste in music. There are some great desk clocks that double as iPod docks on the market. Turn on your favorite playlist, or listen to some soothing sounds of nature—whatever gets you energized.

Lastly, make sure you address the importance of touch. From your chair to the flooring, it’s important to feel comfortable in your workspace. Pick a desk chair that’s supportive and adds personal flair. Your desk should be spacious and ergonomic.

Here are a few offices of famous New Yorkers, including Martha Stewart’s, for inspiration.

The Million Dollar Question: Can I have it all?

Women have been grappling with this one for years. The honest answer: it’s not about having it all. It’s about having what you want—and being real.

Being real means aligning your values and personality with your business—and the people in your life. Think about who you are and what you want. How do you think? What makes you tick? Then, make sure the members of your team think like you do. Forget about having it all; instead, focus on integrating work and family with your personal goals.

Begin by setting aside some time, away from life’s distractions, to focus on your goals. Develop a clear plan, and then put it into action after your family, friends and professional team members are on board. Together, you will make it happen!

For more tips on making it happen check out Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials For Women Entrepreneurs.

A Lesson from

I’ll admit it. I’m a big fan of and I’m married and the mom of four. The reason I’m a fan is the marketing genius and lessons we all can learn from the site and its approach. Launched in 2000, the site is the #1 trusted relationship destination on the website, and has kept that position even in the face of a lot of competition. Why? Check out my eBrandMarketing post.

Never leave home without a business card

You’ve heard it said that first impressions are everything, and in many cases, it’s true. When you’re out there pitching your business and selling yourself, you need to be prepared to articulate your message on a moment’s notice. Having your business card handy will simplify the process. In the meantime, practice what you want to say the next time you need to ask for business. Keep it short, perhaps a sentence or two, and be sure to include the key points—your name, your company name, what service you provide or what product you sell, and finally, how people can find you. That’s where the card comes in. Have it ready—always!

Hopefully you were able to attend last evening’s RYI event at the Wexner Center when I hosted a panel of professional women from Central Ohio, and together we discussed how women have a unique ability to infuse philanthropy into their business. If you arrived early, you were there for the networking reception—the perfect example of an opportunity to meet other professional women and share your story. Of course, there are similar events taking place across the country all the time. Don’t miss them. Be there. And don’t forget your business cards!

Stay tuned for similar networking opportunities by checking the Real You Web site.

The Power of the Purse in Real Estate

Real Living has been marketing to women for 7 years now! In fact, Real Living was the first women-focused brand in real estate. Why market to women?

• Women make or influence 91% of all home buying decisions.
• Women guide 94% of all home-furnishing purchases.
• Two-thirds of real estate agents are women.
• 78% of engaged women say that while they already have furniture, they’ll replace most or all of it when they marry.

This being said, I presented at the national Marketing to Women (M2W) conference in May about the tremendous purchasing power women hold in this country, but more specifically in real estate. It was a great learning experience! The M2W conference attracts brands from across the country that understand the influence women have as consumers.

M2W asked Real Living to put together a video highlighting more great statistics on the purchasing power of women. It’s now featured on the M2W site. Click here to view the video!

Women Out-Earning Men in Some Professions

We have been waiting quite some time to see the pay gap between women and men shrink. Well ladies, in some professions the tables are turning. Here are a few current careers where women are earning more than men: • Sales engineers • Statisticians • Legislators • Automotive technicians and mechanics • Baggage porters • Financial analysts • Aerospace engineers • Advertising managers

According to an article on AOL, women tend to verbally outpace men and are excellent with details and follow-up, and it is these characteristics that enhance their workplace performance. Currently, women are also receiving college degrees in larger numbers than men. After graduating, they are moving to large urban cities, where, in the past few years, there has been an increase in women earning more than men.

The glass ceiling is getting thinner. Become a pioneer in your field, and begin paving the way for future generations!

To learn about women who change the world, check out Life Lesson 20 in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs.

The window to your soul is found in the people you admire.

Who is your hero? What are the words that describe your hero? What is something that person did that you admire? And finally, what is one way you can be more like your hero? Write these thoughts down on paper. Then, make a list of the qualities that you admire in your hero. If you have several heroes, they will probably all have similar qualities. But identifying your hero and what that person has done is only the beginning of the process. The next step is to contact your hero. It doesn’t matter if your hero is a famous person or a close friend. Write to that person. Reach out to her. By doing so, you will be greatly inspired to live your life in a way that makes you happy—a way that you’ve admired in others and therefore can apply to your own life and business.

When Chelsea Clinton introduced her mother at the recent Democratic National Convention, she referred to her as “my hero.” Since heroes are presumably those individuals who inspire us to do great things, the people we model our lives after, that most likely means that Hillary Clinton has greatly influenced her daughter. It may even mean that Chelsea has patterned her life after her mother. Remember, identifying your heroes is all part of determining who you are and what you love to do. Famous or not, heroes are the people you and I aspire to be like. They help us identify our values and ethics and what is important to us—thus, how we will run our business.

Heroes are everywhere in life. In fact, you may discover that you admire qualities in other female entrepreneurs. Who are your heroes? What makes them special to you?

Take a look into the lives of other women entrepreneurs.

Tips for hiring a great team

Begin by articulating your personal and business brand to potential employees. That’s as easy as writing a job description that provides a glimpse of what your company is all about. That will get the ball rolling when it comes to attracting the right individuals to your door. You know the kind of people I’m talking about. They’re the workers who understand that it’s your company, but treat it as if it’s their own.

You’ve created a real brand. Now it’s time to hire some real people who think like you about the culture you’ve created. For more tips on hiring a knock-out team and building a creative culture, check out Real Fact Five in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials For Women Entrepreneurs.

What makes your culture great?

Finding the right professional organizations for you

Connecting with like-minded individuals is a great way to grow your business and your personal network, but we all seem to be strapped for time with work, family and other activities. That’s why it’s best to only join organizations that have meaning to you. Start by visiting several groups so you can determine which ones are right for you. Then be selective, because attending too many meetings, or joining a long list of organizations, is the opposite of real.

Once you find that perfect fit—an organization that turns out to be exactly what you’re looking for—volunteer your time as a leader. Why? Because you’ll get the most out of it that way—and so will the organization. Leaders who give their time this way quickly learn that the benefits far outweigh the input.

Check out this website for great professional organizations in your area! Have you found an organization that speaks to your passions? Tell us about it, we’d love to hear from you!

To learn more about finding your passions, check out Real Fact Two in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials For Women Entrepreneurs.

Have you seen one of the best blogs for marketing to women?

I’m excited to share with you that I have recently become a contributing columnist to eBrandMarketing—the No. 1 blog on marketing to women—published by Glam Media, which reaches 77 million unique visitors. You’ll hear from the foremost authorities on women, like Fara Warner, author of Power of the Purse.

My column, called (you guessed it!) Real You, spotlights what women are looking for in a brand experience. I share my thoughts about how companies can do a better job connecting with us through emotional branding, authenticity and understanding women’s purchasing power.

Check out one of the most read blogs on eBrandMarketing: Real You: “Ladies” you can ride, look pretty, but you cannot drive, and come back every Friday for a new Real You column!