Real You: Book Parties!

     Don't you just love a party? I do. And I have had a blast this past month at launch parties for HERE, HOME, HOPE at friends' homes and at amazing small businesses across the country. If you're interested in hosting a party - and having me there - please let me know! We have a Book Party Kit and more to help make your event a fun, memorable summer soiree! Please contact me - kaira AT for more information or send me a message on Facebook or Twitter.      Coming up this month are stops in Dallas (June 8 and 9), Los Angeles (June 10-13), Scottsdale (June 14 and 15) - followed closely by Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Orlando, and then a huge swing through the Northeast: Portland, Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket and more. I would love to join you, your friends, your book club and more for a party. I'll also be making appearances at book stores across the country all summer and I'd love to see you there. Book tour here.   

I wrote about how much fun the parties have been, and how it's been a great excuse to reconnect with friends for Girlfriendology, and my friend Debba Haupert. See you in Cincinnati, Debba!!

The power of female friendship can change the world.

What are you doing to connect with other women? Do you network with other women business owners or with women in the same or similar line of work? Have you considered joining a woman’s organization that would add meaning to your life—and to the lives of others? Here’s the message: Don’t isolate yourself. Reach out in a real and meaningful way, and not only will you be blessed, but you will touch the hearts of others. Begin by doing your homework. This will help you find the organizations and relationships that best suit your needs.

Debba Haupert, founder of, knows firsthand that the power of female friendship can change the world. She lives it daily through her business, an online community for women based on female friendship. The site, which is designed to inspire women through semi-weekly podcast interviews with amazing women, also features shopping, reviews, blogs and more. Debba points out that men and children look to women for tending, as do other women. That said, if we take care of women, we take care of everyone. And that in turn makes the world a better place.

Check out Debba’s full profile on the RYI site, and start connecting and sharing with other women today!

Wow! Congrats girlfriend!

That's just the type of email I love to receive in my inbox! My friend, Jackie, sent it responding to the great news Real You Incorporated has been named to the list of the Top 25 Books Coroporate America is Reading. That's exciting! And, it's the only book focused on women in business on the list!It's amazing to be on the same list as Jack Welsh and Blue Ocean Strategy!

It has also been exciting to watch our rank on Amazon's women and business bestseller list! We're there!

We're breaking through, girlfriends! In speeches across the country our message of embracing your personal brand with authenticity is making a difference in women's lives! And I'd love to hear your feedback. Drop me a note, join my community, send me your story of inspiration. One happy email a day makes the entire inbox bearable. Much like a smile confuses an approaching frown. Write me at

Thank you to all of you who are supporting me and reading the book! We are being noticed!

Girlfriends and Gabbing and Mother's Day

On this Mother's Day I, of course, am so thankful for my four kids and for my own great mom, and my mother-in-law, and the rest of my family. But I'm also thankful for all the great moms who I'm honored to call my friend. Without these women in my life, I just don't know what I'd do. Girlfriendology celebrates that amazing bond. It's a wonderful site, and the founder, Debba Haupert, embraces her inner daisy as much as I do. (See her website, and the cover of my book.) We just did a podcast talking about the importance of friends, and much much more.

And why do we need girlfriends so desperately, especially in these frightening economic times? As I learned during the recent Marketing to Women conference, we women personalize and internalize stress. And when we worry, we connect. (Men isolate.) And one of our favorite forms of connection? Talking. Women say 20,000 words a day, while men speak 7,000 words. And that's just out loud!! Add in email and well, you've got the picture.

So if you're feeling stressed, gab with a friend. It's the best therapy. Happy Mother's Day to all of you great friends out there.