The real world is online

Your goal should be to grow closer to your female customer, to know what she likes and what product or service you can offer her to make her life easier. Now take that a step further and determine how you can delight her online. So, imagine a day in her life. From start to finish, what does she do, and what does she need to accomplish her daily tasks? Find out where she’s going online—and be there. What does she read online? Where does she spend her time? But perhaps most important, subscribe to blogs and e-newsletters within your industry, and keep current with what’s out there. Things are moving fast, and you and your business need to be a part of it in order to meet her needs.

At Real Living, we developed a series of quizzes for customers to discover their decorating style, housing types and more. We did this to make life easier for women who are searching for a home. The process of choosing a house can be daunting. By providing her with the tools she needs to simplify the process—like a consumer portal where she can organize, personalize, save and share her favorites properties with friends and families—we’ve helped her accomplish one of her tasks—and best of all, we’ve done it online. You, too, can bring this concept to your business. The real world is online. Be there. That’s where you’ll find your customers.

In addition to meeting customers online at, we’ve created a forum of women entrepreneurs online as well. Learn what other women are saying and doing online, and share your story!