Is the glass ceiling still around?

As the advancement of women is pushing new boundaries, many are wondering if the “glass ceiling” still exists. While it’s true that women are breaking the glass ceiling in some careers far more than others, such as real estate for example, they have a long way to go in other fields. Women make up 46.5 percent of the workforce, but they represent only 12 percent of all corporate officers. Those are figures that can’t be ignored. However, according to an article on AOL, some of the professions where women are earning more than men include sales engineers, statisticians, legislators, aerospace engineers, advertising managers and more. As you probably know, many women are also turning to entrepreneurship as an alternative. By establishing their real brands, they’re learning that they can make it to the top on their own terms.

Women Out-Earning Men in Some Professions

We have been waiting quite some time to see the pay gap between women and men shrink. Well ladies, in some professions the tables are turning. Here are a few current careers where women are earning more than men: • Sales engineers • Statisticians • Legislators • Automotive technicians and mechanics • Baggage porters • Financial analysts • Aerospace engineers • Advertising managers

According to an article on AOL, women tend to verbally outpace men and are excellent with details and follow-up, and it is these characteristics that enhance their workplace performance. Currently, women are also receiving college degrees in larger numbers than men. After graduating, they are moving to large urban cities, where, in the past few years, there has been an increase in women earning more than men.

The glass ceiling is getting thinner. Become a pioneer in your field, and begin paving the way for future generations!

To learn about women who change the world, check out Life Lesson 20 in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs.