New Romance Novel The Billionaire's Bid out today!

Book birthdays are fun! And scary, and well, a lot of other things. Having your book come to life, leave your imagination and your desktop for well, however far it flows, is an amazing and daunting process. I'm so blessed to have been able to try my hand at writing contemporary romance and I have to say, I love it. I hope you will, too! The Billionaire's Bid is Book 4 of my Indigo Island Series, but you don't have to read the other three to jump in! Here's the story - and the gorgeous cover!


Handsome tycoon James Putnam is acting CEO of his family’s logging company, Putnam Industries. He needs to land a big deal to prove to the board he’s capable of leading the company. If not, his father’s right-hand-man is more than willing to fill the role. James hurries to Indigo Island alone, certain he has what it takes to win the bid, earn the CEO title and save the island from uncontrolled logging.

Aubrey Templeton is a gorgeous magazine reporter facing a mountain of debt after her parents’ tragic deaths. The only asset she has to leverage is 2,500 acres of old growth forest on Indigo Island. She hires Dirk Cooley, a forester, to create a forest management plan for her family’s land and to solicit multiple logger bids to lease the land. Aubrey insists James Putnam’s company is included since she still hasn’t forgotten the one night of incredible sex they shared over a year ago, and she’s sure he’ll be eager for a repeat performance.

What Aubrey doesn’t know is that James is a changed man, who is determined to prove he didn’t get his job as a birth right. He is determined to never again mix business with pleasure, although keeping Aubrey at arms length during their negotiations tests James’ discipline and will power, especially as he finds himself in the role of tour guide for the sexy landowner and later as her protector when an unscrupulous forester targets them both in a revenge plot hatched to destroy the Putnam family.

Ready to read? I hope so!