Giving Thanks

This year has been full of blessings, big and small. And of course, it has also been pierced by heartache, struggles, and loss. Because, that's life. Each day is a blessing and no holiday better signifies and reminds us of that than Thanksgiving. (Of course, I realize if we take into our hearts the horrible legacy of our treatment of Indigenous People then, I suppose, we have a whole other reality of life to discuss.) 

But on the surface and as a holiday to treasure, I love Thanksgiving. I love the lack of gifts and the ability to slow down. To spend time with those you love, and make memories to last through the highs and lows of the coming year. It's truly the best embodiment, to me, of family above everything. I really cannot wait to be in the same place with all four of my kids. 

And in this week of thanks, I can't thank all of you enough who have supported BEST DAY EVER and my writing career this year. All of you. If I wrote each of your names here, it wouldn't fit on this blog. And that, perhaps, is the most fabulous, overwhelming notion that I'm grateful for this year. Thank you.

I wish for you a Thanksgiving week of grace and peace, love and laughter, and memories enough to last you a lifetime. xo
